band camp pics page 3
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this is the last page of band camp pics... i promise
like the other pages, half this pictures i don't remember taking, or ppl stealing my camera and taking pictures.... kenny!!!!! lol. this is it ppl from band camp. i miss u guys, and i miss playing volleyball for an hour and a half before supper...*sighs*

jose "playing" the sax
this is jose. he plays guitar (bass i think) and he alwayz played volleyball with us. along with tino. remember how he alwayz got mad at sattina for kicking the volleyball but would coward when she came after him?? lol nice job sattina!!
tang *remembers that painful day* ouch
gotcha sattina! i think we took this the same day kenny made me laugh so hard that the tang came out my nose.. remember that guys??? my nose hurt the rest of the day and part of the next... ouch, it hurts to just remember... lol
sheri my dorm mom
this is sheri. she was the best dorm dean i could have asked for!! she was the best. and she was the best one to bug... hehe
no i don't my soul stealen....
stop stealing my soul!!!! lol j/k don't know what to say, but miss u sattina!!!
smile!!! smile!!!
thought it was a good idea to do this! it looks kool.... or so i think! man oh man i miss u guys a lot!
the ham!!!
all i wanna know kenny, is how and when did u get my camera to do this? *mutters* stupid kenny.....
combo concert
this is caitlin is her combo. she had a solo and she did very well. i had one in a different combo and i sucked really bad!! but my combo teacher was kool. he always laughed when he saw michelle and i dancing at the jazz concerts after supper.... i'll miss those little dances...