band camp pics page 1
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band camp session 6 jazz band 2003!!!
on these next 3 pages, there are a lot of pictures i don't remember taking.. ppl liked to steal my camera and have their ways with it!!! eeeewwww *nasty thoughts* oops

this is sarah and me. she was my roommate. she's the best, she helped me stick out the week!!! thnx gurl!
F A I L!!!!
this was taken just before we had to write our fundementals test. i wrote fail across my knuckles and we put our fists in. sattina, brittney, zach, caitlin and me!! sattina and i were the only ones who failed!!! :( tsk tsk.... lol
the group...
this is the normal group i hung out with. we are missing randy and kenny! but there is (left to right) dave, zach, me, brit, michelle, sattina, and cait. we had a blast *sings* im an asshole-elo-elo-elo..... hehe remember michelle?
this is one of those pics i was talking abt where i dont know what happened. but mike was drawing faces on my ppl's faces as i was wearing it as u can tell.... lol *blushs*
3 amigo's
steve-o, curt and justin (right to left) we almost alwayz together... steve-o and curt did sing sing sing with kazoo's and a belly! it was hilarious
yet another one... *shakes her head*
i don't know who or how this was taken but obviously it was because its on my site!! lol
curt's wedgie
ppl thought it would be funny to give curt a wedgie.... only they ripped his simpsons boxers... poor curt!!

2 more pages of "one time at band camp..."