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this is my place for my pics!!
most of these pictures are pictures of mine that i have collected since december so plz enjoy!! i have worked long hours to get the right pics for u to see!! and u can email me the pics u would like to see on this page!

sry ryan but i couldn't resist this pic of u!!! its soo cute!!!!!

i think that this is the first time that it has snown the nite of prom!!!that made it a nite to remember for sure!!

doesn't she look like avril lavigne?????

i needed one of daniel for sure!! he's the one on the right side (the one with the goofy smile) and his ex gf is the one in the pink!! dan is a nice guy once in awhile...

sry *D* but i needed one of u for sure!! and this is the only one good enuff of u!!!

this guy i met at while playing pool and i think he's cute!!

hehehe thanx frankie!!!

this is also at the mmva's!!! totally jealous that they went!!

this is the mmva's with swollen members feat. moka only!!

george stroumboulopolous is jenn's fav!! can't u tell?

this is default receiving best new group!! sry jenn!!! luv ya!!!

this is frank... he's playing danny in Grease, recently performed at R.D. Parker Collegiate. Plus we had just dyed his hair black the opening night.

we had shrek direct our cabaret!! too bad mr. miller wasn't there!!

how kool is this???? thanx les!!!

got faerie??? ;) just for u puppetmaster, dipstick, minky and les!!!!

i love sailor moon and i am in love with darien!!! so i had to put this one!!

this one i put in here because those drums r soo kool!!!

i had to add this pic because alicia keys is the gurl who made me love singing!!!

look brandi, i promised u ur pic would get on there so there u go gurl!!!! lol

i had to add this little ditty because i love the #13 and i love when im lucky if u catch my drift!! lol ;)

tina this is for u since ur leaving and we can never ever curl again together!! just remember those 4 guys (shorty, blondy, brownie, and cuty) hehe and im sure ur website is a lot better then mine!!!!

this is a pic of my kool cuz rae and the reason i took the one of scooby out is because shaggy doesn't look like that!!

i had to put this pic in becuase this guy is the best and he gave me the koolest drawing ever!!

this is a pic of gabe but u can't really see him all that well because he is the one with ducktape on his mouth!!

i had to add this picture because i love hearts and it looks cute with the top hat!!

no matter wat i had to add a picture of the canadian flag even if it did have one of the american flag!! but there is something for u brandi!!

i had to put chilly whilly on this page because i love him so much and he' is just the cutest penguin to walk the earth!!

all i can say is ouch....

this is a friend of mine who in this picture looks so much like britney spears!!!!

i had to put this one because evei (lynx) is the best gurl in the world and doesn't take ne type of crap from ppl!!! GURL POWER!!

well ppl that is it!!!!! plz email me and let me know wat u think abt it and if u have more pics i can add!!! angel_691@hotmail.com